Monday, August 15, 2005

Dinosaurs at the ZOO

So I was reading the Local Paper today (thats right Edson has a local Paper) and there is a section every week where they ask the local kids some question. I think it is their poor attempt to try to relive the Cosby days. Anywho, this weeks question was "What is the coolest thing you've ever seen?". Now one little girls answer was "Dinosaurs at the ZOO". Now those of you who know me well, know that I get great enjoyment out of telling tall tales to children; but to tell your kids that Dinosaurs live at the ZOO. Come on parents thats a little on the mean side. Getting you kids hopes up, "look son, look at that Dinosaur isn't that neat." How is that kid going to feel when they get to the whole mass extinction thing in school. "Sorry Billy you couldn't have seen a Dinosaur they all died a horible painfull death, with lots of Pain and Horrible other Nasty Unconfortableness." Not not only is Billy's dad horrible person for lying, now poor Billy is going to alway wonder what that animal really was, and why his dad is so stupid to think it was a Dinosaur. Come on people lets tell your kids fun lies. Like my all time favorite the troll in the signal box. Now for this lie you need to be at some sort of intersection or crosswalk with signal lights. This is because all signalled intersections have a control box somewhere near by. Now when your kid pushes the button to cross the street tell them that every time they push the button it shocks a little troll that lives in the control box, and the more you push the button the more the troll gets shocked and the light will change faster. Every now and again you get a kid who will sit there and push the button till their little fingers bleed. Now isn't childraiseing fun.


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Nicholas said...

There are dinosaurs at the Calgary Zoo. Models, mind you, but dinosaurs nonetheless.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Dinosaurs are fun. And there is nothing wrong with scarring kids for life.

On a completely unrelated note, do you recall the fringe play from 4 years ago called "everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask Freud"? You know, the play for which you were the audience volunteer and you got molested by a hot scantily clad woman? Well two of the stars are in a Fringe production this year.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Paul said...

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At 11:58 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Ahh being molested in the name of art. Is there anything better?

At 4:36 AM, Blogger Erie said...

That was a great show, Paul. I even got complimented on what a great girlfriend I was!

... Wait a minute...


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